Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meet the authors...


Kristen Dabrowski is an actress, writer, acting teacher, and director. The actor’s life has taken her all over the United States and England. Her other books, published by Smith & Kraus, include My First Monologue Book; 111 Monologues for Middle School Actors; The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens 3, 11, and 12; 20 Ten-Minute Plays for Teens; the Teens Speak series; and the educational 10+ play series (six books, including two volumes for kids). Currently, she lives in the world’s smallest apartment in New York City.

M. Ramirez is a Miami native and a graduate of NYU’s Dramatic Writing program. His monologues and scenes for young actors have won Critic’s Choice Awards at Thespian Society Competitions at District, State, and National Levels. He is a two-time winner of the Latino Playwriting Award from the Kennedy Center’s American College Theatre Festival. His plays have been produced at FringeNYC, the Mad Cat Theatre Company, City Theatre’s Summer Shorts, and Actors Theatre of Louisville.

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