Mrs. Poole's classroom is busy using the My First Acting Series in a variety of ways.
"I LOVE book two (Famous and Historical People Monologues) and use it to teach how stories make inferences. I read the story out loud and ask my students to listen carefully to the clues the speaker gives. Then they guess who the person is. We have had so much fun doing this exercise! The children really look forward to it. Inference, a difficult concept to teach, is now understandable for all the students."
When asked if he liked the series, Michael said,
"I LOVE it!"
Michael (grade one), Callie (grade three), and Allysa (Kindergarten) wanted to read their own!
Mrs. Poole plans to use the series during the fourth quarter to teach Character Education.
"This series will be fun to use and the questions in the books will help the students understand compassion, respect, responsibility, being trustworthy, and honest. I hope to have some great discussions! My team has already asked if they can use the My First Acting Series, too. I think by the end of the year, these books will get a real workout."